This post is more for me than you. I’m processing.

I have always believed that adventure is where you are. That adventure is a mindset.

That has been challenged this past year, but I believe it is coming out stronger than ever. After a lot of tears.

I had tickets bought and a trip paid for, for backpacking across Central America. Mexico Belize Guatemala by myself, followed by El Salvador to Costa Rica with a group, followed by the last leg of the trip to Panama by myself where my daddy was gonna meet me in Panama City as I cross the finish line. March 16. March 16, 2020 is when I had the tickets booked.

I bet you know where that story goes.

I also had a flight to Cartagena, Colombia, then to MedellĂ­n, Colombia (still dreams of mine to go visit) followed by a visit to my family in Ecuador.

Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?

Then to top it off I had an internship in New York City with the Joffrey Ballet School. Six weeks, working in the dance industry, attending Broadway shows for free, another dream.

I was hoping all this would launch me into my great escape from La Crosse…

I was able to go on a beautiful adventure in late summer to Tampa, Florida with the Joffrey Ballet School. This was a dream.

Then, in September, I did what I never wanted to do in La Crosse – get my own apartment. I was always on the way out of Wisconsin in my mind, just in transition, living with family. I was living with my brother when he decided to buy a new house and I had a decision.

I got a place. I committed to Wisconsin for a year.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but I’m loving it. I love living alone. I love this creative space. I have a best friend who encourages me to explore and find my purpose. I think I’ve been finding it. Now is for the work of pursuing it.

Helping him pursue his. Getting to go on a wild adventure to Florida. Learning about the ins and outs of the soccer world. Watching him at his 100%, one hundred percent him, one hundred percent alive, one hundred percent vulnerable, one hundred percent on the field, one hundred percent happy.

Now I’m here and I confess it’s hard. I know I sound privileged and spoiled to say that. I have everything, but when your heart is out there and you know you could get it and you are choosing not to, it burns.

You can take the girl out of adventure, but you can’t take the adventure out of the girl.

Here’s to adventures at home: a new little category in my blog of all the explorational exploits I’m pursuing right here, in my little corner of the Midwest baby.

Here we go.