Travel like you

One thing about travel is, it’s hot. It looks good on Instagram, we see guys and gals with huge backpacks and greasy hair trekking across Asia.

I’m going to let you in on something I’m still learning.

Travel like you.

Some girls go no-makeup, messy buns, cargo shorts, tank tops, Chacos.

I would hate that, wishing I was home so I could just look cute. (They look cute, maybe I’d look cute, but I like makeup, okay?)

Some girls wear little dresses in high heels as they flash a smile over their shoulder back at a camera that some mysterious person or tripod took.

Also not me.

I think sometimes we aspire to this certain image of travel, but you don’t have to attain that to be a traveler. If you’re enjoying traveling, you’re already doing it.

Some people might not like to travel because they don’t travel like themselves, like they want to travel.

If you want to pack everything in and never stop or sleep for a moment, do it.

If you wanna nap, nap man. I’m all about that life.

This is one reason why I’m a big fan of occasional solo travel – I think it’s one of the only times you can really listen to the desires in your heart. I always learn a lot about myself in those places.

So here’s me giving myself permission and giving you permission to do the same for yourself too – travel like you.

There’s no right way to travel, no standard of what makes it a successful trip or not.

And it society says there is, to heck with that.