From the Redwood Forest…

The Redwood Forest was magical.

Too cliché?

But really, if you have the chance I would highly recommend checking it out. It’s on my must-see-list-before-you-die.

When me and my friend Treasure first got out of the car and saw what was common for us – a tree – but massively beyond what our minds had ever considered being reality, time stopped and we were just overwhelmed with wonder. I was so excited, this enthusiasm bubbling up in my heart just at the size of these trees.

It’s hilarious how after hiking for a few hours, we got so jaded to the beauty – “there’s another really big tree. There’s another really big tree,” as if it was nothing special when a few hours earlier we were nearly squealing with delight, our minds blown by the incredibleness of it all.

Which makes me think.

We get so blind to the beauty around us – may I open up my eyes once again to the wonder all around me, and continue discovering new fresh things because it never ends and sometimes that helps us not take life for granted…

Wonder is one of my deepest values.