Chicken strips and thoughts

There’s times I love being alone.

There’s times (99% of the time) that I love being with people.

I’ve found in solo travel you get to spend your time with countless people, even more so than when you travel with a buddy or a group.

But you know, sometimes you’ll be alone when you didn’t want to be alone.

And you’re gonna be lonely.

And you know what, you’re gonna make it.

And it will make you appreciate good company even more the next time you’re together.

I’m writing this sitting in my room by myself after eating McDonald’s chicken strips and French fries by myself in Quito, Ecuador. I Ubered down the road to McDonalds, ate my meal, and Ubered back. It’s weird because this is a city where I have more places to stay and connections than anywhere else, and yet tonight I found myself alone and without a dinner buddy (dinner’s when I most love to be with people.)

To be fair, I passed up the opportunity to have dinner with a backpacker who hopefully I will get to meet tomorrow, mainly because we’re on other sides of town and neither wanted to travel across town this late at night. I’m tired, okay?

And being tired is when you sometimes want people around. People to laugh with, to lighten the mood.

But tonight, that is not the case.

And it’s gonna be okay.