Adventures at home – driving

If you ask any of my friends what has kept Amy sane during this quarantine epoch, most of them will probably say, “Driving for EatStreet.”

My job was not really deemed essential, apparently, at the start of the lockdowns, so I went out and got an “essential” job.

Apparently delivering people pretzel bites from the mall is deemed essential, but whatever, I’ll take it.

I drive super part-time for a local company called EatStreet, it’s one of those food delivery services. And let me tell you, it has kept me sane. I feel like I’m traveling – even though I am just toodling around my local town. I am in my car for hours, have to stop and get gas, and I feel like I’m roadtripping. I get to go into a bunch of areas in my city I’ve never been to before. I get to check out all the local new apartment buildings, am sent to restaurants and candy stores and ecigarette stores (no idea why) that I have never been to and never even knew existed. Plus, I’m getting paid, which is pretty sweet. I’m in my zone, my car my safe place, my little world, and I get to jam to tunes or learn something knew.

I also get to try a bunch of new foods because I also usually buy little snacks at each resturant. It would be torture to go to all these cool new places and not get to try anything. I joke that I spend all my tips on eating the while I drive. But, hey, it’s fueling my adventurous soul.

I think that’s the main thing I have learned from this 2020 experience. My life was always out there – traveling, planning the next move, the next adventure. Suddenly, my life had to be happy here. I had to live here. And I had to make a lot of changes to make sure my life was in line with my values. I changed my friends, I changed my jobs, I changed where I was living, all to make sure I was still out of my comfort zone, still growing, still being challenged.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing like leaving town. I still ache when I think about how much I long to get outta town.

But, for now, I’m gonna learn how to cook, and if you knew how bad I’ve been at cooking, it’s gonna be an adventure right here at home.