Adventures at home – weightlifting

I’m a skinny girl.

The pro is that I have never struggled with overweightness. The con is that I have often struggled with having enough strength to make it through basic life activities.

So finally, I had enough. I am a dancer (cardio has always been the easier part of fitness for me) and just recently graduated from a five-week online training program with the Broadway Dance Center (love them). I loved the program, got a lot stronger, but realized one thing.

I was so low-energy. My body was just not strong. Maybe it was covid, maybe it was not going to the gym, maybe it was not being a full-time server anymore, maybe it was a combination of everything. But either way I was wiped.

And I needed to make a change. I couldn’t take it anymore. I remembered what it felt to feel strong and healthy and vibrant and full of energy, and even though my personality was the same my body had a new physical limit.

Time to push myself.

And so, here I was, I found an online workout program (maybe one day I’ll share which and get a commission or something… if you want to know which one just write me).

And a new weightlifting adventure has begun.