the beauty is where you are at

There is beauty right where you are at. I’m working on growing my Instagram followers @amyaventurera because maybe one day I can just travel and write and create and if I have a billion followers maybe I can sell a book for a dollar and become a billionaire, right? But right now, I only have…

Paraguay: The land of the chipa

I absolutely loved Paraguay. This goes back to my concept of travel versus vacationing: I absolutely love a completely normal country. A country that’s like, the Wisconsin of South America. That’s what I considered Paraguay; also, I am from Wisconsin. Nothing people would fly around the world to see, like New York City or the…

To engage is vulnerable

I confess this has nothing to do with travel. But it’s my current adventure. Just left a master class led by a few of the Ailey II dancers – incredible, capable artists and dancers. And I’m a little inspired right now. Get into your body and out of your head. Engage. Dance from the moment…

Ailey II

I tend to have such a static approach – do this perfectly, get the combo right, when have we arrived?… My identity is on the line as I am in class, proving whether or not I can do it. That is the opposite to how they view it, and the exact opposite to how life…

Dreams that wait….

Not every dream happens overnight. I’m in this weird place right now where I decided to go on a long, indefinite backpacking trip. Yet I am finishing out my semester of dance, staying at my job I love a little longer, spending time with family and friends a little longer. And it freaks me out…

Language barriers

I have a confession. I always write about how you can travel, how it’s more about overcoming our comfort-zone limits than actually figuring out how to travel. But I gotta tell you. It’s hard when you don’t speak the language. Granted, it adds a bit of a fun twist as life becomes a constant game…

Fruterías in Quito, Ecuador

I forgot about the wonder of the frutería. Being from Wisconsin, we have lots of good food. Cheese curds, ice cream, steak, some corn and apples that are out of this world. However, some other parts of the planet have got a leg up on a few tropical fruits — not to mention fruits I…

Chicken strips and thoughts

There’s times I love being alone. There’s times (99% of the time) that I love being with people. I’ve found in solo travel you get to spend your time with countless people, even more so than when you travel with a buddy or a group. But you know, sometimes you’ll be alone when you didn’t…

4 reasons solo travel is for extroverts too

I am absolutely in love with solo travel. And I never thought I’d say that. I always pictured solo travel being very introverted, maybe a lot of time for reflection, but all around… lonely. I had come to accept that some of our adventures in life we have to experience alone. But I was so…

10 ways to meet people while traveling alone

As you may know, I love solo travel. I never thought I would like it until I tried it, and realized – you never actually have to be alone. In fact, I see solo travel as a kind of extrovert’s paradise where you basically get to make a bunch of new friends all the time…