Falls Friday — Iguazu Falls videos

Keeping with our current theme, here is another video to enjoy of boating through Iguazu Falls. If you’re a waterfall person, I highly recommend checking out the Falls. I wouldn’t miss it. Recorded 2019

Iguazu Falls

Beyond breathtaking. Worth every moment!! (Video recorded summer of 2019)

Paraguay: The land of the chipa

I absolutely loved Paraguay. This goes back to my concept of travel versus vacationing: I absolutely love a completely normal country. A country that’s like, the Wisconsin of South America. That’s what I considered Paraguay; also, I am from Wisconsin. Nothing people would fly around the world to see, like New York City or the…

Iguazu Falls

My current mission in life is to tell everyone how amazing Iguazu Falls is. Because they don’t know. Or maybe I want to keep it silent because that was part of the beauty, the surprise and wonder of one of the most breathtaking experiences of my life having very little hype around it before I…