Safe taxi tips in Ecuador

Here are a few tips of how to take steps to make riding taxis more safe: Only ride legal vehicles, ones with the registration number (you can also use the Uber app.) Don’t get into unmarked vehicles. Send someone your taxi number and about when you should arrive, and that you’ll text them when you…

Fruterías in Quito, Ecuador

I forgot about the wonder of the frutería. Being from Wisconsin, we have lots of good food. Cheese curds, ice cream, steak, some corn and apples that are out of this world. However, some other parts of the planet have got a leg up on a few tropical fruits — not to mention fruits I…

Blue Jeans

I want to tell you that Quiteños (people who are from Quito) don’t wear blue jeans, but when you arrive to the city you will quickly point out that it’s not true. I’m sure you will find exceptions. But I still want to say it to you, because it’s an important concept. We think jeans…


Birthday parties usually involve giving a gift. So if you get invited to a birthday party in Quito, consider bringing a gift. They also dress up for birthday parties, special occasions, and going out. It shows respect. We’re used to “token” gifts, but that is less common in the culture. Don’t attach a little tea…