Comfort Zones

Comfort zones grow slowly –
but when they’re big, you’re so free.
And it’s so fun.

And every step, one step at a time, can be exhilarating along the way…

So I’m letting you in on my travel strategy here.

When I first moved to Ecuador four years ago, I was terrified. I was nervous, feared for my safety, and wasn’t having fun. I think it was the only mild depression I’ve ever had and I lost a half inch of my hairline from worry and stress.

Wanna go?

But with time, I learned how to navigate safely, my comfort zone grew, and I wasn’t afraid anymore. And the second year was probably the best year of my life yet. But that took time – a painfully long year – that was one step along the way. That’s how we grow, right? Taking a baby step (or giant plunge) out of my comfort zone, and soon I did feel comfortable and then I could take that next step in life too.

Now I’m unsure about the idea of backpacking by myself across Central America, alone, but I’m intrigued by it. Mainly because I want to do it, I’m finally at the place in life when I can, and it can be hard to find someone else who wants to live the exact same life you do (probably impossible.)

So I’m taking baby steps – this weekend I’m taking a solo trip to Miami, and I’m pumped. First Airbnb by myself (I did one with friends once, that was a baby step.) Then I’m doing a week-long 4-country journey with a friend (another baby step.) I’m seeing how it goes, if I like it, and building up my muscles to a bigger adventure.

If you’re not comfortable trekking across Europe with a backpack – (I at first accidentally wrote “in” a backpack. That’s a hilarious image.) – don’t.

If you’re intrigued with the thought, start small.

Drive to the next city over and spend a day.

Heck, go to the beach by yourself today.

But you never know to what new and exciting places you can go – and some of the best chapters of your life – are just on the other side of a little bit of growing pain and maybe a lot of fear.

But there’s only one way to get rid of the fear, and that’s to go. To take a step.

And soon enough, your comfort zone will grow…