10 ways to meet people while traveling alone

As you may know, I love solo travel. I never thought I would like it until I tried it, and realized – you never actually have to be alone.

In fact, I see solo travel as a kind of extrovert’s paradise where you basically get to make a bunch of new friends all the time and fill up your schedule with as many exciting things as you’d like.

(Side note: I can be picky about who I enjoy hanging out with, so I always thought I wouldn’t enjoy the random people I met. I was so wrong. I have made incredible, genuine friendships all over the world with people I truly enjoy. You never know where a connection might lead in the future, either!)

So how to meet people? Introverts and extroverts alike, feel free to comment and share your tips and here are a few of mine:

1. Uber

I have met so many fun locals and tourists alike by Ubering from place to place. Drivers give great local tips, and if you do the cheaper option where you share with other riders, you can meet great other travelers, too!

2. Couchsurfer

You don’t have to actually sleep at people’s houses to use this one; there is a “hangout” feature where you can turn on that you are available to eat dinner or explore the city and choose other local travelers to meet up with around town. This is an incredible option. If you don’t like people, you can leave, but I have been so surprised at the wonderful people I have met and friends I have made!!

3. Talk to your servers

I have great memories of waiters and waitresses that took care of me while I really needed a meal. They often aren’t treated as actual people or friends, so to have someone actually want to talk (assuming the place isn’t too busy) can be a treat for both of you.

4. Get off the phone

Save the phone for the airport. I’m serious. I know texting your friends back home is comforting, but then you shoulda stayed home. I’m talking to myself here too. It’s incredible the number of times I force myself to put my phone down and just look up and – voila! A magical connection is made. It’s pretty hard to meet people with your nose glued to your phone.

5. Smile

It’s where all the magic starts.

6. Value the little connections

Not every connection has to become your new best friend who you have long chats over coffee with. The guy on the street trying to get you to eat at his restaurant, the person waiting in line next to you, all can be quick meaningful connections even if they don’t know their name. Example: I was in Miami at Ocean Drive for the first time in my life. Cute dancing guy was on the corner trying to get people to eat at his restaurant, I walked up and started dancing a bit and laughed. Then I said, “Hey, this is my first time at Ocean Drive. Left or right?” He told me left, gave me a few tips, and off I went. Nothing grandiose, but it filled me up. Special little moments like that make a life.

7. Make a joke

Humor connects, instead of awkwardly meeting someone by saying, “hey… I’m Amy…” Make a joke. “Wow, we sure fell into the tourist trap…” to the person waiting in the long line with you.

8. Ask questions

People like to talk about themselves. Where are they from, are they visiting? What recommendations do they have?

9. Get the number

It’s pretty hard to connect again without a contact piece. Blame it on yourself – “Hey, do you feel comfortable giving me your number in case I ever come visit New York City I’ll have a contact?” People are starving for connection. You’d be surprised.

10. People are starving for connection

I think this is the most important point. We always focus on our own insecurities, but everyone feels that. Some people don’t want to connect, that becomes clear pretty quick. But in this social media age most of us are dying for some real friendship. Do someone a favor. Put yourself out there. Smile. Ask a question. You never know where it could go, and I have been so surprised how people have reciprocated and really been there for me.

And you have nothing to lose. You already don’t know them, and if you don’t like them, just leave.

So have fun with it. Go flash those pearly whites, and see where it might go.