I travel because of you

I travel because of you.
I travel because you showed me the world
and held my hand as I journeyed through it.

I travel because you didn’t like beaches
and you taught me how to think
and taught me that the world is small
that we have more in common than we have different

I travel because of you
because you loved museums
and was my walking guide when I didn’t have patience to read
You taught me to read fast
and I loved to discuss whatever life and history concepts we would learn about there
you challenged my thinking.

I travel because of you
because you wanted to go where no one went
hauling a family of seven across rural China
pack it in
we didn’t come to sleep.
You taught me
that fear was in my head
and that it shrinks with each baby step I take.

I travel because of you
the moment when I was nine
and you took me to Peru

I travel because of you
and realized
when things go wrong
that’s what you most remember
what we laugh about 20 years later
that was the fabric that made up our family
the reason we grew so close
and I learned
there’s nothing we can’t figure out together
and most people are good.

I travel because of you 
and you were brave
even before it was easy
and you taught me
to be smart
to be aware
to do the research.

I travel because of you
because you gave me the wings
to fly.