When it comes to Quito classics, this is probably my number one pick. Gotta do the Basílica. For about 3 bucks and a janky ladder climb to the top of the steeples, this combines sightseeing with a a little bit of adventure and a great view sure to give memories.
There’s a cute little cafe, I’ve never stopped, as well of course as some shopping opportunities. I’d save your shopping for elsewhere as you’re not going to find bargains here.
After enjoying the view from below, start your climb up the cathedral, taking time to explore and enjoy the sights. You’ll find some breathtaking stained glass windows, and then the real adventure begins.
Once you reach something that looks somewhat like an Indiana Jones bridge, you’ll know it’s getting good. After crossing the bridge there will be a series of ladders to climb and breathtaking views before the climax of it all when you are right up in the steeples, high above the city.
The Basílica is definitely a must-do. Of all the touristy things I have done over and over and over and over, this is one I still enjoy.

Find more things to do in The Quito Bucket List: Sights Edition