Well, this isn’t really a meeting, but it was more fun than saying “about me” –
I’m Amy. 30, from Wisconsin, no Aventurera isn’t my last name (marry me if it’s yours) but it means “Aventure-ess” in Spanish or something like that which made it a fun blog name.
It encapsulates a bit of who I am, too – from the States but lived about 2 years in Ecuador which turned my world upside down and busted up my idea of what “normal” is. That’s why the name is half in English and half in Spanish.
Now I’m off adventuring in life, trying to savor every moment. This blog isn’t just about travel, but people seem to find travel interesting so a lot of it I will share on here.
I teach ballet to little girls in fluffy pink tutus, love smoothies, haven’t found Mr. Right and need friends who make me laugh to survive.
I’m fiercely loyal and sentimental, see beauty in everything, and one of my favorite things in life is that there is always more hope than you know.
There’s so many things I could say but I’ll let you get to know me through my writing…
Feel free to follow me on Instagram @amyaventurera because when I’m on the go I’ll post more there, and when I can actually slow down and think I’ll reflect on here.
I’m fluent in Spanish and English, studied journalism and graphic design, am passionate about bringing hope to the most hurting people and have taken a long journey to realize it’s okay – in fact, necessary – to pursue your dreams. Hoping to help give people permission to pursue theirs here and let my Gram keep up with my life (love you Gram!!)
I’d love to hear about you and why you’re following my blog so shoot me an email below.