
Wow. I just love seeing new cities. I don’t even need to stay there, just walk up to the city and be like, “Wow. Nice to meet you.”

What I’m loving about Nashville:

  • Live music everywhere. A lot of country gals who can SANG.
  • These open air party busses? It reminds me of in Ecuador we had “Chivas,” Open-air buses where you could just dance and lights and drink (or not)
  • Records. Boots.
  • Broadway Street

I balled my way to Nashville because I was staying with a friend and it hurt too much to say goodbye. I drove 7 hours in one fell swoop. Some people eat or write songs or punch pillows out of emotion. Apparently I emotionally drive.

But being here, in this city, soaking in this grace, I’m gonna be okay…

I found this E+Rose Wellness Cafe, I was really digging that too.