Noemí’s travel tip – Find the live music

I learn a lot from the people I travel with.

One of my favorite travel buddies? Noemí. Flexible, fun, always put-together and beautiful, and she is a magnet for live music. We would always try to find a restaurant at the end of the day that had live music.

And let me tell you, it changes the atmosphere.

I have adopted this practice while traveling alone as well – I always try to find live music. It is incredible what kind of community you can find while traveling in this way. The musician is always looking to connect, to receive a little appreciation and interaction. And it makes for an easy conversation starter with other travelers.

It’s a lot more awkward to be like, “hey, do you know this Taylor Swift song?” to whatever is playing on the radio compared to, “Oh my gosh, this musician is doing an amazing cover…”

So find the live music, I don’t think you’ll regret it!

Here’s a taste, I believe from Argentina:

Recorded 2019