Learning the hard way

I have to learn the hard way. I try, I try so hard to learn the easy way. I read, I read a lot, ask the kids who asked me what I was reading on the beach yesterday and if it was The Notebook to which I awkwardly replied… no… it’s nonfiction. I like books…

Consider NOT partying in the Mariscal of Quito, Ecuador

Alright, send the hate mail in. I’m ready. Friends. Readers. People I’ve never met. When I did research about Quito, and when I meet foreigners visiting Quito, all I hear about is one thing – the Mariscal. “Yeah, we heard you should check out the Mariscal,” “The Mariscal is so dangerous,” “The Mariscal is where…

Stay safe abroad

“Aren’t you afraid of getting taken?” Um…. no. Don’t worry, if you asked me that question, I’m not specifically writing about you because I’ve been asked it more times than I can count. Y’all need to stop watching T.V. or something. Before I sound too rude, let me explain that danger is a real thing….

Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems

I had no idea where the phrase came from “More money more problems” but I looked it up… Apparently it’s a song by the rapper B.I.G. (love him) (love rappers). Which, according to my book Rich Dad Poor Dad, can be very true. The answer in life is not more money. See, we all think…

Confidence: fake it until you make it

Alright, sista. Get your mean face on. I used to laugh when I would realize how differently I walk down the street in Quito, Ecuador, a city of three million people where I stick out like a sore thumb versus how I am in the town I grew up in. I look rude. I’m not…

Beware of the street food

Street food at your own risk. There’s something about those people who try everything, never worry, and never get sick. You know what I mean? They take every risk in the books and nothing happens so it only emboldens them to take more risks. They’re gonna eat the street food, love it, and be fine….

“The greats weren’t great because at birth they could paint The greats were great because they paint a lot —” Macklemore

The world is not…

Alright United-Statesians. I have a bone to pick with you (us.) Most of the world sees our country as one of the most powerful, influential countries on this planet. And that is probably true. But we also have some pretty incorrect assumptions about the rest of the world. I’m a little embarrassed to even write…

Why you shouldn’t travel

Please hear the satirical tone in this writing. This might be a little offensive, but I am just trying to make a point as clearly as possible, ironically while saying it backwards. At the end of the day I think everyone benefits from travel, and if this article describes you, traveling actually might be the…

Paraguay: The land of the chipa

I absolutely loved Paraguay. This goes back to my concept of travel versus vacationing: I absolutely love a completely normal country. A country that’s like, the Wisconsin of South America. That’s what I considered Paraguay; also, I am from Wisconsin. Nothing people would fly around the world to see, like New York City or the…