Travel vs. Vacation

I gotta clear something up. When I refer to travel, I am not referring to flying to an all-inclusive resort in Cancun and swimming in the pool and drinking piña coladas. I’m not referring to doing a Disney cruise off the coast of Florida. I’m not even referring to going to some destination spa in…


I’m staring at the back of a shirt as I wait in the clinic of one of my 5 jobs. Difficult? Yes.Impossible? No. It says. Amen.

Sometimes you gotta learn…

Sometimes you gotta be flat broke with no money, no phone, and lost in a foreign land to realize: You can figure it out, and you’re stronger than you think. Sometimes you gotta be lost in the middle of the woods to realize You really should take more safety precautions. …so at least someone knows…

Language barriers

I have a confession. I always write about how you can travel, how it’s more about overcoming our comfort-zone limits than actually figuring out how to travel. But I gotta tell you. It’s hard when you don’t speak the language. Granted, it adds a bit of a fun twist as life becomes a constant game…

You’re not lost

“…and if you do take a wrong turn, it’s just an adventure. You’re not lost.”– overheard from man at counter over there at this clinic Beautifully said, sir. A perspective I want to keep in life.

8 ways to make the travel day suck less

You can tell what I think of the actual commuting day. It’s the worst. I can enjoy the first couple of hours sitting at an airport, but after that, it’s sheer misery. Here’s a few tips to help survive those days – 1. Know it is going to suck – For some reason, I used…

Chicken strips and thoughts

There’s times I love being alone. There’s times (99% of the time) that I love being with people. I’ve found in solo travel you get to spend your time with countless people, even more so than when you travel with a buddy or a group. But you know, sometimes you’ll be alone when you didn’t…

Learning to love being alone

The number of people who run into me on my way to the beach and ask “you’re going… alone…?” like it’s something crazy. Ummmm.. yeah, me and 50 other people beachin’ it. I wanted to go to the beach, no one else wanted to go to the beach right then, so instead of pouting, I…

Travel like you

One thing about travel is, it’s hot. It looks good on Instagram, we see guys and gals with huge backpacks and greasy hair trekking across Asia. I’m going to let you in on something I’m still learning. Travel like you. Some girls go no-makeup, messy buns, cargo shorts, tank tops, Chacos. I would hate that,…