Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems

I had no idea where the phrase came from “More money more problems” but I looked it up… Apparently it’s a song by the rapper B.I.G. (love him) (love rappers). Which, according to my book Rich Dad Poor Dad, can be very true. The answer in life is not more money. See, we all think…

Adventures at home: Financial Literacy Part 2

Which leads me to my next point. The second hurdle comes down to our ability to admit that maybe we’ve been wrong. The second hurdle comes down to our ability to admit that maybe we’ve been wrong. As adults, it’s hard to accept that reality. If I said, hey, instead of selling your soul at…

Adventures at home: Financial Literacy

I never cared about money. My goal was never to be a millionaire, to have the nicest things, none of that. Money struck me as essential, and that the more you have the more options you have, so I wanted enough to…. *cough* travel. I was reading a book the other day that basically said:…

How to eat out like a queen (on a tight budget)

I love eating out. I’ve always been that way. Everything about it. I love slowing down, laughing over an appetizer with friends, not having to cook, not having to clean. I like going out at night, getting dressed up, looking fine, seeing the night lights. I love the music that plays, being away from my…