Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems

I had no idea where the phrase came from “More money more problems” but I looked it up… Apparently it’s a song by the rapper B.I.G. (love him) (love rappers). Which, according to my book Rich Dad Poor Dad, can be very true. The answer in life is not more money. See, we all think…

Adventures at home: Financial Literacy Part 2

Which leads me to my next point. The second hurdle comes down to our ability to admit that maybe we’ve been wrong. The second hurdle comes down to our ability to admit that maybe we’ve been wrong. As adults, it’s hard to accept that reality. If I said, hey, instead of selling your soul at…

Adventures at home: Financial Literacy

I never cared about money. My goal was never to be a millionaire, to have the nicest things, none of that. Money struck me as essential, and that the more you have the more options you have, so I wanted enough to…. *cough* travel. I was reading a book the other day that basically said:…

Fun ways to bring exercise into your day

I’m no expert, but here’s a few thoughts in the midst of my current adventure of weightlifting at the gym… What are your tips and advice? I would love to hear!


Slowwwwww down To have time for others, time for my own thoughts Slowwwww to have time to enjoy, to revel in the beauty that is happening all around me Slowwwww My heart beats fast, but I want to slowwwww.

Adventures at home – back at the gym – week one

Day one was rough. It felt terrible. I don’t know why, but walking in to the gym just felt like I was a fake, someone who didn’t belong trying to pretend like I belonged. I used to love the gym so it felt strange to feel this way. Convinced everyone was staring at me and…

Adventures at home – weightlifting

I’m a skinny girl. The pro is that I have never struggled with overweightness. The con is that I have often struggled with having enough strength to make it through basic life activities. So finally, I had enough. I am a dancer (cardio has always been the easier part of fitness for me) and just…

Adventures at home – weaknesses

Jay Shetty (like I said, I’ve been listening to his podcast) said something along the lines of, the important thing is to be aware of your weaknesses. That way, they can’t hinder you as much. So I asked a friend what my weaknesses are. And it was really helpful. What do you think your weaknesses…

Adventures at home – get outta town

If you’re an explorer, you’re an explorer. There’s nothing you can do about it. I found me and my best friend once a week we would get away, just for a few hours drive to a rural town 30 min away, see new sights, eat at a new restaurant (restaurants were open at this time.)…

Adventures at home – cooking

Baby I went from hating cooking to actually really loving it recently, so listen up. Why I started trying to like cooking You have to eat to live. That’s all. And I realized I was spending about $500 a month eating out (my eyes are covered, I’m embarrassed) which is $500 I could be saving…