I cried at the gym

I cried at the gym today. Now, I’m laughing as I write this because I am at the risk of painting a pretty bleak picture of gym life. Apparently I only feel the urge to write about the gym after struggling. I’ve had many happy gym days too! But I’m writing about it because it…

The gym sucks

Okay, can I just admit something? Going to the gym sucks. What’s crazy is, I’ve always lovedddd going to the gym. I love the environment, the people, the music, the adrenaline or endorphins or whatever good feeling my body produces. I love to sweat. However, I was always the girl who only stuck out a…

Adventures at home – weaknesses

Jay Shetty (like I said, I’ve been listening to his podcast) said something along the lines of, the important thing is to be aware of your weaknesses. That way, they can’t hinder you as much. So I asked a friend what my weaknesses are. And it was really helpful. What do you think your weaknesses…

Podcast picks — Why it’s never too late to do what you love by Jay Shetty

I absolutely loved this podcast, wanted to pass it along — you can listen on Spotify or Apple I included the Spotify link below: https://open.spotify.com/episode/76HOrou4o9SGZgH87z3fMu?si=-RbPueL9S2GSTBeuIoQ-cA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A5EqqB52m2bsr4k1Ii7sStc I know for me, when I started pursuing ballet after age 18, people asked me why. It was too late to go professional. My question in return: Is professional all…

The world is not…

Alright United-Statesians. I have a bone to pick with you (us.) Most of the world sees our country as one of the most powerful, influential countries on this planet. And that is probably true. But we also have some pretty incorrect assumptions about the rest of the world. I’m a little embarrassed to even write…

Comfort Zones

Comfort zones grow slowly – but when they’re big, you’re so free.And it’s so fun. And every step, one step at a time, can be exhilarating along the way… So I’m letting you in on my travel strategy here. When I first moved to Ecuador four years ago, I was terrified. I was nervous, feared for…