Learning the hard way

I have to learn the hard way. I try, I try so hard to learn the easy way. I read, I read a lot, ask the kids who asked me what I was reading on the beach yesterday and if it was The Notebook to which I awkwardly replied… no… it’s nonfiction. I like books…


Woah. Why am I about to talk about this?Because it affects everything. I’m no neuroscientist, but basically from what I’ve read your brain has connections and pathways. Some are so worn, the way you’ve thought for your whole life, that when a new little thought forms, it slides right down without even thinking, splashing in…


(This is the start of a safety series of various thoughts I will be hashing out the next few weeks…) Something could happen to you anywhere, even at home, and tons of people travel all the time to other countries and have nothing but wonderful experiences. What it really comes down to is this: is…

Podcast picks — Why it’s never too late to do what you love by Jay Shetty

I absolutely loved this podcast, wanted to pass it along — you can listen on Spotify or Apple I included the Spotify link below: https://open.spotify.com/episode/76HOrou4o9SGZgH87z3fMu?si=-RbPueL9S2GSTBeuIoQ-cA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A5EqqB52m2bsr4k1Ii7sStc I know for me, when I started pursuing ballet after age 18, people asked me why. It was too late to go professional. My question in return: Is professional all…

the beauty is where you are at

There is beauty right where you are at. I’m working on growing my Instagram followers @amyaventurera because maybe one day I can just travel and write and create and if I have a billion followers maybe I can sell a book for a dollar and become a billionaire, right? But right now, I only have…

Why you shouldn’t travel

Please hear the satirical tone in this writing. This might be a little offensive, but I am just trying to make a point as clearly as possible, ironically while saying it backwards. At the end of the day I think everyone benefits from travel, and if this article describes you, traveling actually might be the…

To engage is vulnerable

I confess this has nothing to do with travel. But it’s my current adventure. Just left a master class led by a few of the Ailey II dancers – incredible, capable artists and dancers. And I’m a little inspired right now. Get into your body and out of your head. Engage. Dance from the moment…

Ailey II

I tend to have such a static approach – do this perfectly, get the combo right, when have we arrived?… My identity is on the line as I am in class, proving whether or not I can do it. That is the opposite to how they view it, and the exact opposite to how life…

Travel vs. Vacation

I gotta clear something up. When I refer to travel, I am not referring to flying to an all-inclusive resort in Cancun and swimming in the pool and drinking piña coladas. I’m not referring to doing a Disney cruise off the coast of Florida. I’m not even referring to going to some destination spa in…

Dreams that wait….

Not every dream happens overnight. I’m in this weird place right now where I decided to go on a long, indefinite backpacking trip. Yet I am finishing out my semester of dance, staying at my job I love a little longer, spending time with family and friends a little longer. And it freaks me out…