
Woah. Why am I about to talk about this?Because it affects everything. I’m no neuroscientist, but basically from what I’ve read your brain has connections and pathways. Some are so worn, the way you’ve thought for your whole life, that when a new little thought forms, it slides right down without even thinking, splashing in…

Confidence: fake it until you make it

Alright, sista. Get your mean face on. I used to laugh when I would realize how differently I walk down the street in Quito, Ecuador, a city of three million people where I stick out like a sore thumb versus how I am in the town I grew up in. I look rude. I’m not…

Adventures at home – weightlifting

I’m a skinny girl. The pro is that I have never struggled with overweightness. The con is that I have often struggled with having enough strength to make it through basic life activities. So finally, I had enough. I am a dancer (cardio has always been the easier part of fitness for me) and just…

Beware of the street food

Street food at your own risk. There’s something about those people who try everything, never worry, and never get sick. You know what I mean? They take every risk in the books and nothing happens so it only emboldens them to take more risks. They’re gonna eat the street food, love it, and be fine….


(This is the start of a safety series of various thoughts I will be hashing out the next few weeks…) Something could happen to you anywhere, even at home, and tons of people travel all the time to other countries and have nothing but wonderful experiences. What it really comes down to is this: is…

Falls Friday — Iguazu Falls videos

Keeping with our current theme, here is another video to enjoy of boating through Iguazu Falls. If you’re a waterfall person, I highly recommend checking out the Falls. I wouldn’t miss it. Recorded 2019

Adventures at home – weaknesses

Jay Shetty (like I said, I’ve been listening to his podcast) said something along the lines of, the important thing is to be aware of your weaknesses. That way, they can’t hinder you as much. So I asked a friend what my weaknesses are. And it was really helpful. What do you think your weaknesses…

Podcast picks — Why it’s never too late to do what you love by Jay Shetty

I absolutely loved this podcast, wanted to pass it along — you can listen on Spotify or Apple I included the Spotify link below: I know for me, when I started pursuing ballet after age 18, people asked me why. It was too late to go professional. My question in return: Is professional all…

the beauty is where you are at

There is beauty right where you are at. I’m working on growing my Instagram followers @amyaventurera because maybe one day I can just travel and write and create and if I have a billion followers maybe I can sell a book for a dollar and become a billionaire, right? But right now, I only have…