
It’s so easy to say something and not do it. To say we want to, without counting the cost. There is a cost.There is a cost.There is a cost.Every joy has pain, but it is worth it. But the pain comes before the joy for good stuff (seems the other way around for bad stuff…)…

Sometimes you gotta learn…

Sometimes you gotta be flat broke with no money, no phone, and lost in a foreign land to realize: You can figure it out, and you’re stronger than you think. Sometimes you gotta be lost in the middle of the woods to realize You really should take more safety precautions. …so at least someone knows…

Language barriers

I have a confession. I always write about how you can travel, how it’s more about overcoming our comfort-zone limits than actually figuring out how to travel. But I gotta tell you. It’s hard when you don’t speak the language. Granted, it adds a bit of a fun twist as life becomes a constant game…

You don’t want to travel

“Man, I would love to travel like she does, to quit my job and just embrace adventure – ” I’m gonna be a little rude here. No, you wouldn’t. And the reason I know this is because you’re not doing it. Really there are two pretty typical audiences I could be talking to – people…

La Basílica – A Quito, Ecuador must-see

When it comes to Quito classics, this is probably my number one pick. Gotta do the Basílica. For about 3 bucks and a janky ladder climb to the top of the steeples, this combines sightseeing with a a little bit of adventure and a great view sure to give memories. There’s a cute little cafe,…

You’re not lost

“…and if you do take a wrong turn, it’s just an adventure. You’re not lost.”– overheard from man at counter over there at this clinic Beautifully said, sir. A perspective I want to keep in life.

Travel tip 3: Wear soccer pants

I’m gonna keep this one short and sweet because we all have our favorite pants and mine might not be yours. But in case you haven’t found yours yet, consider the soccer pants. ‘Cause they changed my traveling life. Perks: And if someone breaks out in a game of airport soccer, you’re ready. Okay, kidding…

Don’t do it for Instagram

I travel because I am enamored by experiences. I am enamored by life. I’m enraptured that my chest rises and falls with breath, that my heart beats, that my heart breaks. I’m enamored that there are more places than I know.I’m drawn to more, drawn to see, to discovery. Life is a journey of knowing…