Adventures at home – driving

If you ask any of my friends what has kept Amy sane during this quarantine epoch, most of them will probably say, “Driving for EatStreet.” My job was not really deemed essential, apparently, at the start of the lockdowns, so I went out and got an “essential” job. Apparently delivering people pretzel bites from the…


This post is more for me than you. I’m processing. I have always believed that adventure is where you are. That adventure is a mindset. That has been challenged this past year, but I believe it is coming out stronger than ever. After a lot of tears. I had tickets bought and a trip paid…

Paraguay: The land of the chipa

I absolutely loved Paraguay. This goes back to my concept of travel versus vacationing: I absolutely love a completely normal country. A country that’s like, the Wisconsin of South America. That’s what I considered Paraguay; also, I am from Wisconsin. Nothing people would fly around the world to see, like New York City or the…