We have to do better.

We still have a long way to go.

I would like to share some quotes.

“Don’t monkey with white supremacy; it is loaded with determination, gun-powder, and dynamite.” Vickbsurg Commercial Herald, May 1889

Today people wonder if white supremacy is even real. Back then people fought with violence to protect it.

In 1896 the United States Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson as follows… writing for the majority opinion Justice Billings Brown said: “If one race be inferior to the other socially, the Constitution cannot put them on the same plane.”

Wow. My question is always, how can a large group of intelligent people be so wrong? Believe something so incorrect and so… evil, frankly.

Okay, but that was a long time ago, right? We’ve gotten better, right?

Let’s take it at least to the 1900s. In 1907 the GOVERNOR of Mississippi, Governor James K. Vardaman, said, “If it is necessary every Negro in the state will be lynched; it will be done to maintain white supremacy.”

Quote from 1964: “I’m sick and tired of going to the funerals of black men who have been murdered by white men. I’ve got vengeance in my heart, and I ask you to feel angry with me.” Dave Dennis.

1967 was the first year that the Supreme Court ruled that black people and white people were allowed to marry.


At the time of this writing, that was 54 years ago. Which is about a middle-aged person today.

We still have a long way to go.

Realizing how fresh all of this is in history gives me a little more perspective in thinking about where we are at today. Understandably there is still a lot of anger and pent-up frustration. Understandably tensions are still high.

So I ask myself, what areas of injustice am I blind to today?

What is one step I can take?