You don’t want to travel

“Man, I would love to travel like she does, to quit my job and just embrace adventure – ”

I’m gonna be a little rude here.

No, you wouldn’t.

And the reason I know this is because you’re not doing it.

Really there are two pretty typical audiences I could be talking to – people who WOULD really love to travel, and I have a different message for you. Let’s learn to take the steps, get over the fears, plan a budget, YOU CAN DO THIS and I’m going to be your biggest encourager and get in your corner (let me know – what do you feel like is missing to not be able to pursue this dream? Maybe you don’t even know. According to Henry Cloud, there are four things you need to make a change. Relationship, information, experience, structure. Relationship can be huge, if you don’t know anyone who travels it can be pretty scary. Is there ANYONE you know? Long lost cousin? Me? Hey, you’re reading this blog! Shoot me an email I’m not too famous to not respond yet so I would love to be your travel cheerleader. Information, do your research, read about it, you’re reading this blog, take the baby steps to grow your comfort zone, make a plan, set a date, much more on all of this with posts in the future…)

And then there are others of you, and that is who this article is for.

You don’t actually want to. And that is TOTALLY okay, you have other beautiful passions and interests. But I think it is healthy for all of us to take a hard look at our lives and own our choices.

Because the fact is, you could.

But the fact is, that has consequences, consequences that you are not willing to embrace. And that is fine, but isn’t it much more freeing to own your choice than to keep talking about a life you’d like to live without living it?

Traveling can be lonely. It can be unsettling. Transitions suck.

Embracing a life of constant travel can be emotionally upsetting – the number of times I have kicked myself wondering why I couldn’t be “normal” and enjoy my emotionally stable life and stay put instead of uprooting myself, tearing my life apart, in order to find another adventure…

But I love it.

It’s in my bones.

And whenever I’ve sworn that it’s the last time, that I’m planting my roots, that I’m staying where I am at, I enjoy a sweet season but then my gaze slowly turns outward, to the horizon, to the unknown that I can’t see, and I just can’t. I just can’t stay where I am at. Maybe it’ll ruin me, maybe my life is on the line, but there is something in me that has to know. That would rather die embracing risk than live my life avoiding it.

It’s just what I value.

But there are so many up sides –
and so I’m going to travel.